Wednesday, October 25, 2006

DirectX 9.0b to 9.0c

So I get Marvel Ultimate Alliance and it says it requires Direct X 9.0c. Of course 9.0c will not install and dxdiag keeps reporting that I have 9.0b. So I coppied the d3dx9_30.dll and d3dx9_31.dll files out of the .cab files and put them into windows system32 and then changed the following reg key:


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ DirectX\ Version\

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ DirectX\ Version\

Let me know if this helps any PC gamers out there. Alliance is a fun game, very X-Boxish and it is good to see it works well with the wired XBox 360 controller on the PC.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Auto Assault = Car Wars

For those who long for Steve Jackson's excellent Car Wars, check out Auto Assault! MMORPG all on one server with a car and character to customize. ZenStrike is my test Alter Ego. Another great feature is that it work with the wired XBox 360 controller with rumble!!

Friday, October 06, 2006


Speaking of today's greate CRPGs, let's look at one of the greatest today: Oblivion. It is hard to believe that a single player action oriented CRPG would be better than Wizardy Crusader's of the Dark Savant, but it is! It is even better than my fond memories of Ultima ][ on the Apple! It is that good, do check it out. While you are at it get a new GeForce 7600 or 7800 card to run it on, they have them in AGP goodness at ...